Saturday, January 9, 2010

Pretend Holiday

Nature Day
By: Colin Keogh

Nature Day occurs on May, fifteenth. It’s a holiday where people store away electronics (phones, computers, game consoles, etc.) and ditch school/work to enjoy the outdoors for a day. I created this holiday because millions of Americans, right now, are sitting on their couches watching television. I think that this holiday could be effective for people who tend to stay inside on a beautiful day watching television or play video games. I chose May to be the month to hold this holiday because it’s usually the month where it starts warming up to the seventy degree line on a thermometer. The nice weather gives you opportunities to hike, camp, hunt, fish, and play outside sports. For the people who feel like they need to burn calories, Nature Day gives the opportunity.

Nature Day provides kids and some adults (obviously some adults need to work) a break from school/work. This let’s families spend some quality time together. Kids also get to help around the house too! (I bet kids would love doing that). For the day off you could possibly go to Elich Gardens or some other amusement park. Hanging out with friends is fun to do on a day off too. Nature Day, I think, would be a favorite holiday because of the breaks from school/work and the time outside would help people.

The sun releases vitamin D which helps absorb calcium to strengthen your bones. If you stay outside for a long time (there’s probably not much to do inside anyway) you get the vitamin D and probably some exercise if you decide to do something. Nature Day is a great holiday because you aren’t rotting brain cells while staring at a screen. Instead you’re enjoying a beautiful day outside. For the exception of the couch potatoes, I think that Nature Day would be a great and enjoyable holiday. I think that because of all of the activities you can do.

The special food people would eat is food that doesn’t come straight from the microwave. Homemade foods are generally healthier and taste better. The goal of Nature Day is to get people out of bad habits. It’s to get people outside and get animated (thank you cartoon network). I also hope that this holiday will get couch potatoes off their couches and take a hike. The reason why I created Nature Day is because more and more American people are starting to get health problems. I believe that Nature Day can get people p and moving. Nowadays, electronics like televisions are the main source of entertainment. Without them, what else can you do but at least walk around outside? I know usually you celebrate things on holidays, but I decided that I would create a holiday where you do celebrate (some people would celebrate that they found out being outside isn’t half bad) except outside. At the same time I created this holiday to benefit America. I believe that Nature Day would be a great holiday because kids will appreciate the extra day off and would like to hang out with friends outside.

Another fun thing to do is to vacation locally. Travel to some historic landmark and explore. I know that a lot of kids would think that school is really tedious. I also know that a lot of people would stay inside on warm days and stare at a screen when they have a day off. Nature Day is the answer to both problems. Kids get a day off and they won’t be staring at a screen with there free time. They instead enjoy nature. That is why I think Nature Day would be a great holiday and a benefit to America.

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